
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022


What I want you to do is: First listen to the words. Guess the word is said. Practise the pronunciation yourself and record it. Send it to me: lclick on the link and upload it: https://vocaroo.com/    

WRITING: Guess the name by looking at the picture and write it down.

Let´s pracrtise some writing. We have learnt this vocabulary at the class, you just have to remember the name and the correct spelling. Have fun, enjoy it and don´t worry if you don´t to it 100% correct. We´ll work on it in the class. You also need to write in your notebook a different word starting with all the letters from the alphabet  (from A to Z) and we will check you list in the next class.     

Reading food and drinks

Read the names of food and drinks, match it with the correct picture. Once you have done it, you need to write on commets area below: What is your favourite meal and your favourite drink.    Foods and Drinks

READING: Wild animals

Have a look at the wild animals. Read the names Match the name with the correct picture.   Choose your favourite wild animal and find some more information abpit it (like colour, country where it is, size, what they eat...) and next day in class, you tell me all you know abut the animal you chose. Drag and drop Wild Animals


ENJOY PLAYING THIS MEMORY GAME.  LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE PARTS OF THE BODY AND  FIND THE IMAGE BY CLICKING ON AN IMAGE. If you have any doubts or questions, please write it down on comments.  Feel free to write your score.  We will practise with similar game in class.  Enjoy!